Dash Diet Guidelines

Once again the DASH Diet has shown why it is so successful for so many people with hypertension and diabetes. So why is The Dash Diet recommended by so many Dr’s – it’s because it is a healthy lifestyle to help you reduce hypertension and  lower your cholesterol, The Dash diet is very easy to follow and there are no counting carbs, point or calories, it is rich in high fiber foods and filling. There is a clearly defined plan with proven health benefits and you get a diversified quality of foods and flavors that are nutritionally sound.it also reduces the risk of diabetes and strokes here are some Dash Diet guidelines to help you on the way to a happier and healthier you for 2024.

In 2023 a panel of experts from US News & World Report chose the DASH diet as the No. 1 Heart Healthy Diet and the No.1 Diabetes Diet and the No.1 Diet for Bone and Joint Eating, and came in as the 2nd Best Overall Diet. They say, “DASH was developed to fight high blood pressure, not as an all-purpose diet. But it certainly looked like an all-star to our panel of experts, who gave it high marks for its nutritional completeness, safety, ability to prevent or control diabetes, and role in supporting heart health.

One of the reasons the Dash diet is so successful is because you can make small changed to your eating habits over a period of time and it becomes very easy to incorporate and manageable into your everyday routine.

The Dash Diet was also voted as the No 2 diet for Healthy Eating, No.2 diet as it is easy to follow and No. 2 Diet for weight loss, so many reasons to start the Dash Diet immediately.

Avocado Toast and Poached Eggs Recipe


The DASH diet is a plant-focused diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, nuts, with low-fat and non-fat dairy, lean meats, fish, and poultry, mostly whole grains, and heart healthy fats.

You fill up on your favorite fruits and vegetables, along with protein-rich foods to sustain your hunger. This is what makes the Dash Diet plan that is so easy to follow.

Dash Diet recommends eating less sodium, which helps lower blood pressure. You can eat more potassium, calcium and potassium foods for an overall healthy lifestyle.

The DASH Diet Plan If Followed Correctly Can Help Reduce High Blood Pressure And hypertension.

The Dash Diet has two Phases to it, find out more about the Dash Diet Phase One which is the first 14 days, in this phase you aim to regulate your blood sugar and help curb your cravings, avoid fruit and whole grains, which have a lot of natural sugar, and alcohol, which also contain sugars.

The DASH eating plan encourages consumption of low-fat and fat-free dairy foods. Low-fat milk, reduced-fat cheese and fat-free yogurt are all part of the DASH eating plan

After the first 14 days, you will continue to eat the foods from Phase 1 but re-introduce some other healthy foods that will help you continue your weight loss, check out how the Dash Diet Phase Two recommendations.

Dash Diet QR code

Time Restricted Eating Plan

Time Restrictive Eating Plan (TRE)

A time-restricted eating plan simply allows you to choose the foods that work best for you and eat them in any eight- or nine-hour window that you choose. This should lead to better sleep, improved digestion, it may lower your risk of cancer, improve your heart health,  help detoxify of your body and improve your brain function

Start out with 12 hours time restrictive eating plan, don’t eat anything after 7pm and start your breakfast the next day at 7 am — while keeping the times that you eat to a shorter period appears to have significant effects on hormone levels that determine your metabolism, blood sugar, and whether or not you burn fat.

Then in the  12 hours of rest this gives your body a chance to clean out and detoxify your system and then once you feel very comfortable with this the 12 hour TRE Plan the  ultimate goal is fasting for a 15- 16 hour period per day, that when you metabolism best breaks down your food and give time for your cells to restore their peak working condition.

By only eating during a shortened eight- to nine-hour window each day, your body is more likely to burn fat and keep your weight at a healthy level.

When we eat is as important as what we eat.

TRE has been done in the past by our ancestors who did not have access to a lot of food, some religions practice it as a monthly or annual ritual.

You might be able to eat whatever you want and still lose weight, simply by limiting the period of time in which you consume food. And this might even be true if you increase calories — especially calories from fat, because your body seems to burn these best during the remainder of the day, your “fasting” period.

Studies have concluded that periods of fasting for 12-16 hours a day can have effect on your body weight, lowering your risk of cancer, improved heart health, detoxification and improved brain function just to name a few of the benefits of Time Restricted Eating.

It is a combination of small changes like the Time Restrictive Eating Plan can lead to an overall improvement in your  lifestyle and health..


This is not related to The Dash Diet, but it is a diet technique that can help improve your lifestyle and overall health.

Intermittent fasting simply means fasting overnight.

Ideally you should finish dinner before 7 pm and don’t eat again until 8-9 am

Eat dinner before dark and then simply don’t eat again until the next morning (break fast).

This gives your body time to heal and repair itself and clean up the metabolic waste in your body and brain and this will stimulate weight loss.

Starting out Time Restrictive Fasting

Many people who are just starting out find it best to start intermittent fasting with a gentle approach, like the 12/12 method. And then if that works out, they can ease their way into experimenting with more aggressive methods like 16/8 or alternate-day fasting.

Benefits of Time Restrictive Eating

Research suggests this is because intermittent fasting may improve the balance of some fat-burning hormones in the body, boosting metabolism to promote weight loss.

Research has also shown that people with type 2 diabetes who practiced intermittent fasting experienced improvements in body weight, fasting glucose, and postprandial (after a meal) variability.

Intermittent fasting may lower “bad” LDL cholesterol, blood triglycerides, inflammatory markers, blood sugar, and insulin resistance — all risk factors for developing heart disease.

Possible Side Effects of Time restrictive Eating

Some possible side effects of intermittent fasting could include mood changes, feelings of extreme hunger, low energy levels and tiredness, obsessive thoughts about food, stress and tension, confusion, depression, anger, and overeating during feeding periods.

You may want to avoid intermittent fasting, or to do it only under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional if you have:

  • An eating disorder
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Medication-controlled type 2 diabetes
  • Certain mental health conditions
  • Conditions for which you take blood-thinning medications like warfarin
  • Or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have undergone a recent surgery

During Fasting Times:

When you’re in a non-eating period, you can drink water, coffee, tea, and other calorie-free beverages as these won’t interfere with your fasting.

In particular, consumption of tea may reduce body weight and fat.

Give the Time Restricted eating a go, you won’t regret it.

Dairy Free Substitutes


Although you are allowed 2- 3 servings of dairy per day in Phase 2 you may have outlying health issues like weight gain, heartburn, brain fog, lack of energy, high cholesterol, joint pain, lactose intolerance, and even irritable bowel syndrome it could well be an overload of dairy, so it is worth considering reducing your dairy intake, here are some dairy free substitutes.

Eliminate All Dairy and Lactose for Two Weeks

Two weeks is how long it will take to get lactose out of your system. If you find after two weeks you feel noticeably better, than you may have a dairy sensitivity. As you take away dairy sources, look for improvements such as a decrease in bloating, cramps, gas, nausea, diarrhea, post-nasal drip and headaches.

After two weeks of no dairy then start adding a little dairy back into your diet. Start with a half cup and monitor your tolerance. If you feel fine add another half cup, but once you start getting those symptoms again you know you’ve reached your tolerance.

Dairy shouldn’t be off limits but choose wisely:

Grass fed whole milk in very small amounts and grass fed cheeses with no additives and butter from time to time as long as they are full-fat , free of additives. Try sheep or goat products they are less inflammatory and easier to digest.


Dash Diet Milk Alternatives

One of the biggest dairy culprits in your daily life is milk. Whether it’s in your coffee, your morning bowl of cereal, or mixed into a recipe, milk is a common diet staple. Try swapping out cow’s milk for alternative milk sources such as nut milk, soy milk, or coconut milk. All of these nondairy products are a great source of nutrients, plus they taste delicious.

Almond Milk

This nut milk is the number-one pick for a dairy substitute, it’s gluten-, dairy-, soy-, and lactose-free and has a low glycemic index, so it’s good for anyone with diabetes and allergy issues. One cup is only 30 calories and has 50 percent of your daily vitamin E. It also has vitamins A, B, and D, which are good for your skin, eyes, and bones. There’s not much protein in almond milk, but it’s full of healthy fats, magnesium, and calcium.

Coconut Milk

This milk is perfect for those who have severe dairy intolerance or nut allergies. The texture is much like regular milk’s but coconut milk has 50 percent more calcium per serving. It does have more calories, but it has many healthy, saturated fats that when absorbed, are used as energy. Coconut milk is also full of vitamins C and E that help protect the immune system and doesn’t have any trans fatty acids, keeping your heart healthy. Coconut milk is good for sweet dishes as well as savory ones like soups and stews

Cashew Milk

This milk is best if you’re looking to shed some weight. It has natural sugars, so it will keep your blood glucose levels stable, and at only 25 calories per cup, it’s very high in protein, unlike the other non-dairy milk. Cashew milk also has iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, and manganese, and no cholesterol or saturated fats. It’s the creamiest of all the nut milk and has a rich and thick texture that will be a great addition to your smoothies and soups.

Soy Milk

Out of all of the non-dairy milk, soy milk has the most protein. This milk is also very good for your metabolism, so it’s great to have it first thing in the morning to get your system going. Soy milk is higher in carbohydrates than other milk, but it has a lower fat content. Since it’s made from soybeans, it’s a good source of phytonutrients, which are chemicals that can be found in plant-based foods. The phytonutrients are anti-inflammatory, full of antioxidants, and promote liver health. You can use this milk in any recipe that calls for regular milk or just add it to your coffee in the morning



Dash Diet Cheese Alternatives

Vegan cheese is made from ingredients such as almonds, cashews, or tapioca and can be a tasty cheese substitute for a dairy-free lifestyle. But vegan cheese isn’t the only option; there are other creamy alternatives. Try using ingredients such as avocado, tofu, or nutritional yeast as substitutes.

Vegan Cheese

One of the easiest ways to transition out of dairy cheese is to try vegan cheeses made from almonds, cashews, or tapioca. Free of animal protein and usually lower in saturated fat, you can enjoy this vegan alternative without worrying about any of the health ramifications that come from consuming excess dairy

Nutritional Yeast

This is a godsend for vegans and non-cheese eaters, nutritional yeast mimics cheese perfectly. Sprinkle it on popcorn, kale chips, or cheese-less pizza to get the cheesy flavor you crave without any of the fat.


Tofu is very versatile, resembling mozzarella or provolone when smoked and sliced, and seamlessly substituting cream cheese when smeared on a bagel.  You can also mix tofu into a pasta dish to give it the creaminess you crave.


Butter Alternatives

Swaps such as ghee and coconut butter are great alternatives that taste just as delicious as the real thing.


Avocado Butter

If you want to get a dose of healthy fat in your diet, try making your own avocado butter at home. All you need is a ripe avocado, olive oil, and seasonings of your choice to whip up this delicious creation in a matter of seconds. You can try spreading it on a slice of toast, adding it to your morning eggs, or dipping sliced vegetables in it as well. Avocado butter has very little saturated fat and way fewer calories than regular butter so you can enjoy with abandon.

Almond Butter

Most almond butters have one ingredient: roasted almonds. They also deliver about 3 grams more of monounsaturated fat than peanut butter, which is good news for your heart.

Cashew Butter

This delicious nut butter is growing in popularity, and it contains less fat than other nut butters. It is packed with protein and nutrients like phosphorus, magnesium, folate and iron that are good for heart and immune health

Sunflower Seed Butter

If you can’t have nut butters then there are seed butters.


Ghee, also known as clarified butter, is made by simmering butter and then removing any liquid residue. This butter has gained popularity in the Dash Diet world because it is a Dash Diet approved alternative to regular butter. Since most of the liquid, and therefore milk, is removed, it is a great option for lactose-intolerant people. Plus, ghee may even help lower your cholesterol.


Dairy-Free Ice Cream

Ice cream is a delicious treat that most people with a dairy intolerance or allergy have a very hard time giving up. But rest assured there are many other ways to enjoy this creamy and frozen treat without any dairy. Many stores sell dairy-free ice cream, but most of the time they can be filled with preservatives, so make sure to check the label before you buy them. You can also make your own ice cream alternatives by pureeing and freezing bananas or avocados.

Eat an Alternative Form of Yogurt

Just like milk, grass fed full fat unsweetened yogurt that contains cultures ideally goat or sheep yogurt.

Nut, soy, and coconut sources too.  Just make sure you pick a yogurt that is high in protein and low in sugar.


Eat probiotic-rich foods such as kimchi, miso soup and sauerkraut to help your system optimally function. Additionally, you can get your calcium by going green and eating vegetables such as collard greens, kale, and spinach.

Negative Calorie Foods

Negative Calorie Foods

A negative net-calorie food is food that requires more food energy to be digested than the food provides. The caloric “cost” of digesting the food is greater than its food energy content.

Calories from these foods are much harder for the body to breakdown and process. In other words, the body has to work harder in order to extract calories from these foods. This gives these foods a tremendous natural fat-burning advantage, and these are also known as fat burning foods.

Negative Calorie Vegetables

Here are some vegetables that have a negative calorie effect are celery, lettuce, cabbage, beetroot, asparagus, mushrooms, tomatoes, aubergine, carrots, hot chilies, cucumber, green beans, onions, radish, broccoli and zucchini.

Negative Calorie Fruits

And some fruits that have negative net calorie effect, strawberries, lemons, limes, apples, apricots, grapefruit, cantaloupes, watermelon, oranges, blackberries, raspberries, papaya, pineapple, peach, tangerine, peach, mango

A stalk of celery provides 6 calories to the body, but the body expends only half of a single calorie digesting it, a 25 calorie piece of broccoli (100 gram) requires 80 calories to digest, resulting in a net loss of 55 calories.

Negative Calorie Beverages

Water has zero calories and cold water is “negative-calorie” since the body must warm it to body temperature.

Green tea has many health benefits; it is full of antioxidants and helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

These are foods that can be taken to sustain your hunger but it is not recommended to just eat these few foods as a daily diet as this can cause you to miss out on important nutrients. The key to successful weight loss is adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet just like the Dash Diet and a regular exercise regime.

The Best Greek Yoghurt on the Dash Diet

The Best Greek Yoghurt on The Dash Diet

Finding the best Greek Yoghurt is difficult as there are many manufacturers now making the healthier alternative to plain old yoghurt, but some of these manufacturers aren’t actually making Greek yoghurt, they are just putting additives in the yoghurt to make them thicker and seem like Greek yoghurt.

What is Greek Yoghurt?

Greek yoghurt actually is plain yoghurt but without the whey and has the liquid removed by staining real yoghurt, Greek yoghurt is low in sugar, high in protein and it should be thick

How to check you are getting actual Greek Yoghurt.

Look at the ingredients on the container and make sure it has MILK and LIVE ACTIVE YOGHURT in it, make sure it has 18 grams of protein in it and only small amounts of sugar in it and no cornstarch. If it says the yoghurt is Greek Style then it is fake.

Check out your Consumers Guide to Greek Yoghurt and see what real Greek Yoghurt should contain.


It actually very easy to make your own Greek Yoghurt and then you know exactly what is in it, so try it and see how easy it is to make your own Greek Yoghurt.

All you need is

  • 1 liter milk
  • 1 cup yogurt

Heat 1 liter of milk to 195 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid using skim milk. If you don’t have a thermometer, turn off the heat just as the milk begins to simmer.

Remove the pot from the heat and wait until the temperature drops to 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

Add 1 cup of yogurt into the lukewarm milk and stir.

Cover the pot with a cloth to maintain the temperature and keep warm for at least 6 hours.

Refrigerate. Leave the yogurt for at least 12 hours in the refrigerator without moving it.

Strain the yogurt in cheesecloth and hang to drain for several hours, until the draining stops.

Try a Greek Yogurt Breakfast Parfait recipe, it is a great way to start your morning.

The Healthiest Store Bought Greek Yogurt 2018

Fage Total 2% this has 20% protein

Wallaby Organic Plain Greek Low Fat Yogurt.

The best way to tell how authentic Greek yogurt may be is to check the consistency. It should always be thick. But when you’re at the grocery store, you need to know what to look for on the containers in order to make a healthy and informed choice make sure you look for these factors on the list of ingredients.




Along with the favorite Greek yogurt there is also another yogurt called Icelandic yogurt that is starting to become very popular in stores and is well worth trying out.

Icelandic yogurt is similar to Greek Yogurt but is a higher quality and it’s a little less tart. It is strained just a bit more to result in a seriously stick-to-your-spoon product that has even more protein. It’s traditionally made with nonfat yogurt, but popular brands like Siggi’s and Smári often add a bit of whole milk or even cream to give it richness.

Check out the Icelandic Yogurt Store HERE

I’ve found that Icelandic yogurt has the best protein to calorie ratio, and it usually does the best job of filling me up. Greek yogurt still tends to have a higher sugar content compared to the Icelandic yogurt.

There are only a few companies making Icelandic Yogurt, one of the first ones is Siggis and they have a great selection of flavors like Mixed Berry, Strawberry, Pumpkin Spice, Blueberry, Rhubarb and Vanilla in the 5.3 oz pots, but also available in the 4.4 oz is the Strained Whole Milk variety in Vanilla, Strawberry and Rhubarb.

Here are some of the health benefits of Icelandic Yogurt, see why you should try this great dairy product.

Dash Diet Cancer Preventive Foods

There has been a great deal of research done in the foods that prevent cancer and here I have outlined some of the spices that are instrumental in the fight to prevent cancer.

Herbs and Spices

Root ginger has been used by Chinese medics for centuries and is well regarded for its many healing benefits. It can be used as a spice in savory and sweet dishes and as an herbal tea.

Garlic is well renowned for its blood thinning and anti-bacterial properties. It can also help to eliminate oxidants that cause cancer, such as carcinogens and free radicals. Eating raw or cooked garlic has been found to be far more effective than taking garlic supplements.

Licorice root contains a chemical called glycyrrhizin which is considered to help block the growth of prostate cancer cells, though an excessive consumption of licorice can lead to raised blood pressure.

Chili peppers are rich in a substance called capsaicin that is regarded to be a preventative
against intestinal cancer. Chili peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C. Reduce risk of heart attack by reducing cholesterol, by helping to help keep arteries unblocked.

For some list of some of the healthy foods that help prevent cancer and some healthy recipes, please check out Cancer Prevention Foods and Recipes.

Certain foods, eaten in the correct portions and frequency, can provide cancer-starving benefits.

Here are 5 foods to eat that can prevent cancer growth?

  1. Bok Choy This type of Chinese cabbage contains bassinet; a powerful cancer-fighter, also found in broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Bok Choy should be eaten 3 times a week, in 1/2 cup servings to obtain its full benefits.
  2. Cooked Tomatoes have more cancer-fighting properties than raw tomatoes. Both contain the molecule lycopene, but heating the tomato changes its chemical structure and makes the benefits more readily available to your body. You should eat 2-3 (1/2 cup) servings of cooked tomatoes a week.
  3. Flounder This fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and low in mercury. Three 6-ounce servings a week is ideal.
  4. Strawberries The antioxidants in this berry help fight cancers. You should eat 1 cup a day, including the juice.
  5. Artichokes contain 3 different cancer-fighting molecules. Enjoy ¼ cup of hearts per day.

Dash Diet Fat Burning Recipes

Dash Diet Fat Burning Recipes

Here is another way to add the Dash Diet with some fat burning recipes, I have been very successful in getting rid of some of that unwanted belly fat with some of these recipes.

If you are having trouble taking off those last few pounds around your bottom or thighs, or flab on your arms and upper body, try these Dash Diet Fat Burning recipes to help you  target the areas that bother you.

If you tend to store fat in your bottom, a low-fat, high-protein and complex carbohydrate diet is a great way to help combat a larger butt. The effort it takes your body to break down these foods helps eliminate fat on your lower body.

So here are 5 areas of concern where the body stores fat and here are 5 Dash Diet fat burning recipes that can help you.

Big on Top (Chest, Arms and Back)

Women who are big on top carry fat in their chest, arms and back and are the android type. Upper body fat is dangerous for your heart. Stress and lack of protein makes this problem area worse. However, the right combination of foods can melt away the extra fat.

Fat Buster: L-Carnitine Lunch Tex Mex Salad

Just like big bellies, people who carry weight in their upper body do well on a diet that emphasizes dairy. This salad has a decadent sour cream topping. Pair with 500mg of L-carnitine, which stimulates growth hormone and helps turn on the mechanism that burns off fat in those specific areas. Eat with an orange since vitamin C activates L-carnitine

Dash Diet Mexican Salad

This salad is loaded with healthy fats and proteins that can help you lose weight. And the decadent sour cream topping is a nice source for diary. Substituting dairy for other heavier foods in your diet can help you lose weight in your upper body.


Makes 1 serving

3 cups baby spinach

1/2 cup corn (frozen/defrosted or canned)

1/2 cup black beans

1/4 cup red onions, sliced and diced

1/4 avocado, cut into thin slices

1/2 cup salsa

1 tbsp low-fat sour cream


Combine and mix all ingredients except the sour cream in a bowl, then top it off with the sour cream.

500mg L-carnitine and 1 orange

Bonus Fat Buster: Yoga is a great way to tone your body and a simple Downward facing Dog pose
will help, so get down on your hands and knees and put your bottom toward the sky. Hold yourself up like this as you lift your body up. This pose can help selectively burn fat in the upper bar of your body. Do for two minutes each day.

Big Bottom

Two-thirds of women have this body shape, the gynaeoid, more commonly known as big bottomed. Studies show that having a big behind is not as dangerous as having belly fat, and may even protect you against deadly illnesses like diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

However, your bottom is the first place you gain weight and the toughest area to trim down because your body wants to store this fat as energy.

If you have a large bottom, your diet should be high in complex carbs and protein and low in fat. This type of diet makes it harder for your body to store unwanted fat on your behind.

Red Clover Meal

2 Cups Red Clover Tea

Red clover tea contains isoflavones, which can help regulate estrogen that contributes to fat on your

Dash Diet Chicken Pasta Primeriva


Makes 1 serving

1 tsp olive oil

1 small onion, chopped

3 cloves garlic, finely chopped

14 oz can of chopped tomatoes

1 cup edamame

1 tsp dried oregano

1 teaspoon basil pesto

1 cup cooked whole grain Penne pasta

4 oz cooked chicken breast cut into thin strips


Warm the olive oil in a pan, add the onions and cook until softened, about 5 to 6 minutes. Stir in the garlic
and cook for 30 seconds. Then add in the tomatoes, edamame, oregano, cooked pasta, chicken strips and cook until warmed through. Add some freshly ground pepper to your taste.

Dash Diet Cheese and Egg Muffin


Makes 1 serving

1 toasted whole grain English muffin

2 tsp olive oil

1/4 ripe avocado

1 slice tomato

1 egg, poached

1 slice Swiss cheese

Freshly ground pepper to taste

Shallots or parsley to garnish


Drizzle the English muffin with a little olive oil, then spread 1/4 ripe avocado on it. Top it off with the slice
of tomato, Swiss cheese, poached egg and the pepper to taste and garnish with shallots or parsley.

Bonus Fat Buster:

Tomato is not only low in calories, but also is a natural diuretic and can help you get rid of belly bloat.

Big Thighs

Trying to lose fat on your thighs can be very frustrating since the fat on your thighs is not very metabolically active. Those with big thighs, like those with a big behind do best with a low-fat, high-protein diet to help boost their metabolism.

Fat Buster: Liquid Lunch

Make a protein drink with a secret fat-busting ingredient: white kidney bean extract, shown to help prevent carbs from being broken down into sugars and converted into fat in your thighs.

The secret ingredient in this protein shake is the white kidney bean extract. It helps block carbohydrates  from being broken down, so they won’t be converted to fat that’s stored in your thighs. Beyond that, this shake is full of healthy, tasty fruits that are a welcome addition to any diet.

Dash Diet Protein Shake


Makes 1 serving

1 cup water

1 scoop whey protein  powder

1/2 half banana

4 Fresh strawberries

1/2 cup frozen blackberries or blueberries

4 drops of White Kidney bean extract

1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder


In a blender, process all ingredients until smooth.

Dash Diet One Day Cleanse


About 4 times a year you need to have a Dash Diet One day cleanse to flush some of those toxins out of your body, it’s good to give your lymphatic system and your digestive system a boost anytime you feel like you need some support getting back on track, if you’ve strayed off your ideal dietary schedule. Or just to switch your daily routine around, so here are some ideas for your Dash Diet One Day cleanse.

Drink Hot Lemon Water

Start your day with lemon water. Warm water aids digestion and lemon juice contains vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that helps calm liver inflammation and protects against free radical damage.

Make Your First Meal a Green Smoothie

The Perfect Green Smoothie is a whole food, so don’t think of it as a juice. When you are having all these greens your energy levels are up while cleansing. This also keeps your blood sugar stable to reduce cravings.

If you get hungry throughout the day, have more of the Green Smoothie. It’s so satisfying and it will still cleanse your body while you are filling yourself up.


Sip Detox Tea

For a mid-morning boost, sip Detox Tea. This will keep you going until your next meal. Detox tea consists of lemon, ginger and cayenne pepper. These three foods all work together to create a powerful cleanse to help break up mucus and toxins in the body, while creating a shield for unwanted bacteria in your system. Cayenne pepper raises your body temperature and fire up your digestive system and metabolism.

Eat a Lunch with lots of Vegetables

Dip carrots, bell peppers and celery into your favorite balsamic dressing to fill up with complex fibers and feel like you’re really eating though you’ll still be detoxing. These raw veggies help to clean out waste and are filled with enzyme-packed water.

Fill Up on a Warm Comforting Dinner

Dinner should be light without cooked oils, so try a bowl of Bieler’s  Detox Soup. It’s packed with vitamins and will keep your blood sugar stable.  Make a Warm Vegetable Salad with steamed vegetables. The warmth and the fiber will make you feel full, and it’s comforting at the end of the day. Add an array of color through fiber-filled veggies.

These are just some suggestions for a Dash Diet One Day Cleanse, it certainly will be good for your lymphatic system and your digestive System

Daily Salt Recommendation

The daily salt recommendation is for people under 50 is 2300 mg per day and for those over 50 only 1500 mg per day. 1500 mg of sodium is about 0.75 teaspoons or 3.75 grams. This is just a guideline recommended by the American Heart Foundation so please consult your Doctor to find out your recommended daily intake suitable for your age, weight ,height and lifestyle.

Most Americans eat 3400 mg per day most of it coming from processed foods, as salt is used as a preservative – but this amount of salt daily increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure.

People with hypertension, blacks, and over the age of 50 should reduce the intake to 1500 mg per day.

Many labels include the nutritional facts, often in a % form, so if it is listed as 5% or less these are generally low in sodium, anything over 20% is considered high.

Few people actually know how much salt they intake daily but now more and more restaurants are letting their customers know how much salt is in their meals. Some  restaurant now have to provide the nutritional warnings and if a dish has over the daily recommended dosage of 2300 mg of salt in one of it’s meals it must show the  salt-shaker emblem on some sandwiches, salads and other menu items that top the recommended daily limit of 2,300 milligrams.

Get your 7 day Low Sodium Meal Plan Here, each day is under 1500 mg of sodium per day and under 1500 calories.

Everyone has a different metabolism of breaking down their salt intake and I would recommend consulting with your Doctor to find out what your recommended daily salt intake should be.

Read food labels. The Nutrition Facts label found on most packaged and processed foods lists the amount of sodium in each serving. It also lists whether the ingredients include salt or sodium-containing compounds, such as:

  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
  • Baking soda (also called sodium bicarbonate)
  • Baking powder
  • Disodium phosphate
  • Sodium alginate
  • Sodium citrate
  • Sodium nitrite

Dash Diet Protein Amounts

DASH Diet Protein Amounts

When you are on the Dash diet you only need 2 servings of lean protein per day, because you are already getting a large amount of protein from the grains, vegetables, nuts and seeds you should be consuming. You only need 4-6 ounces of lean meat, fish or poultry daily.

Choosing leaner cuts of beef and pork helps reduce the saturated fat intake, which is very important for lowering cholesterol. Cut off any excess visible fat from the meat before cooking and limit your intake of high fat cuts of beef like prime rib and chuck roast.

Lean Beef Meat Portion Allowances

Sirloin                     3-4 oz.

Filet Mignon            4-6 oz.

Eye of Round          4-6 oz

Loin Roast              3-4 oz

Pork Allowances

Tenderloin              4-6 oz

Loin chops              3-4 oz

Loin Roast              3-4 oz.

Proteins are the building blocks of the body. They help boost energy, curb appetite and burn fat. Here are some Dash Diet protein packed foods.

Avocados are a great source of nutrients and protein; here are 10 Amazing Avocados recipes you may enjoy.

Chickpeas are a great snack they contain more than seven grams of protein – just ½ a cup a day. You can add chickpeas to a salad, purée them with tahini, garlic, vinegar and some oil to make hummus or roast them for an on-the-go protein boost. Here are some easy ways to serve Chickpeas.

Hemp Seeds are a super food, they are loaded with protein and essential amino acids. One ounce of hemp seeds contains six grams of protein – about as much as an egg. It can be added to almost any meal with ease, just sprinkle it over cereals, salads or rice dishes.

Green Peas contain as much protein as single serving of peanut butter. A single cup of peas contains eight grams of protein as well as nearly 100% of your daily vitamin C needs and plenty of satiating fiber.

Pumpkin Seeds are protein-packed food; one ounce contains nine grams of protein, try adding them to your morning oatmeal.

Sun dried tomatoes are the perfect addition to chili and other bean dishes as well as salads and salsas. One cup of this nutrient-packed super food contains eight grams of protein.

Dash Diet Protein Smoothies

The easiest way to get your protein into a meal is a Dash Diet Smoothie, here are some recipes for you to try. Avocado Smoothie.