Ancient Grains

Dash Diet Ancient Grains

Some of the best ingredients to include in your Dash Diet are ancient grains; these are grains that have remained the same over the last hundred years, without modification, cross breeding, hybridization or agribusiness. Ancient grains are becoming easier to find online or in your local health food stores or in the international foods part of your grocery store, so make sure you add them to your shopping list as they are more nutritious and delicious.

Ancient grains contain minerals and vitamins that are not commonly found in genetically modified grains they contain high amounts of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, selenium, zinc, magnesium and even copper.


Amaranth is a true grain which is gluten free and contains 13-14% of protein which is very high for a grain as well as a high amount of phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium and more than three times the average amount of calcium which is great for bone and joint care. Amaranth also contains vitamin c which is not commonly found in grains.


Barley is a rich source of fiber which helps prevent a number of health conditions. Barley binds and keeps you regular and protects your intestines and lowers cholesterol. The fiber in barley keeps your blood sugar a level down which is ideal for people with diabetes. Barley is a good source of niacin, a vitamin B that helps protect cardiovascular disease. So many studies have been made on the health benefits of barley and protect and prevention of many diseases like type 2 diabetes, postmenopausal breast cancer, gallstones, childhood asthma, arthritis and many more health problems.


Buckwheat is actually part of the rhubarb and knotweed family as its seeds are eaten because of their carbohydrate benefits. Buckwheat is another gluten free source of food and has a high amino acid content and is a very rich source of soluble and insoluble fiber. Buckwheat has a high concentration of copper and magnesium.


Bulgur is a naturally high-fiber, low-fat, low-calorie vegetarian and very common vegan food ingredient. Bulgur has a good source of iron, vitamin B. You can toss uncooked bulgur into soup, stew or chili and simmer until it’s soft. Or make a sweet salad with carrots, raisins and pineapple


Chia seeds are becoming so much easier to find in your local grocery store, they contain Omega 3 fatty acids and are also high in anti oxidants, they are a very high quality protein and gluten free . They are a source of thiamine, niacin and riboflavin and also high in fiber, so there are many reasons to add this to your smoothie or salad daily.


Farro is one of those super grains, it has an earthy, nutty flavor and has a high amount of fiber and nutrients like vitamin B3 and zinc, and studies have shown that it can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, asthma, heart disease, carotid arteries and also helps with weight control and lowers blood pressure.


Freekeh is high in protein and fiber and low in carbohydrates, this is not gluten free.


Kamut has a higher protein level with many minerals like selenium, zinc and magnesium. Kamut has a great taste, texture and nutritional values. Studies have shown that Kamut reduced cholesterol and blood sugar levels as well as reduces inflammation.


Millet has a mild flavor and is a combination of several different small seeded grains and it is often fed to birds. It is also a gluten free grain that has more flavors if it is toasted before cooking. Millet is high in magnesium and anti oxidants and good for controlling inflammation and diabetes.


Quinoa is packed full of folate, protein and healthy fats and is often used in gluten free diets. Studies have shown it helps protect the stomach cancer. It comes in a variety of colors, black, white and red


Sorghum is also gluten free and for those of you with celiac disease it is easy to add to your daily diet. Sorghum is also high in anti oxidant which helps lower the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and some neurological diseases


Spelt does contain a little gluten but has a sweeter nutty flavor; it is much higher in protein and has nearly 58% carbohydrates which is a good source of vitamin B6, iron, niacin, zinc and phosphorus.


Teff is commonly used in Ethiopia and India. It is eaten in its whole form as the kernel is very small. It has a sweet flavor and is gluten free, contains a great source of vitamin C. It has proven to benefit colon health as well as weight management.