100 Calorie Snacks

100 Calorie Snacks

It’s so important while you are on the DASH diet to have some healthy snack options. If you are looking for a healthy snack for minimal calories, follow our formula: protein + fiber and a bit of indulgence. Here are couple of 100 calorie snacks.

 Chocolate Almond Covered Strawberries

If you’re craving dessert, here is a 100-calorie snack for you. The almonds in this treat provide the protein, the strawberries provide the fiber, and the dark chocolate adds indulgence. Snack on these in between meals or enjoy them after lunch or dinner, just make sure to stick to two strawberries to not go over your calorie budget.


  • 3 crushed almonds
  •  1 tsp chocolate chips
  • 2 strawberries

Directions  – 2 Strawberries are 100 calories

Sprinkle three crushed almonds into the bottom of each ice tray cube compartment.

Top with one teaspoon of melted chocolate chips per cube and stick in one strawberry in each cube.

Freeze overnight and indulge.

Sour Cream and Herb Blend Popcorn

If you enjoy sour cream and chives taste this is a recipe for you to try. Perfect if you crave salt, this treat has protein, thanks to the freeze-dried peas, plenty of fiber in the form of air-popped popcorn, and indulgence from the sour cream and onion spice powder. These flavors are reminiscent of sour cream and onion chips, but in a much healthier package.

Leave the fatty sour cream and onion chips in the store and opt for this delicious and nutritious sour cream and onion pea-corn instead. This popcorn snack uses freeze-dried peas for an added crunch.


  • 1 cup air popped popcorn
  • 1/3 cup freeze-dried peas
  • Sour cream and Herb blend Spice


  1. Mix popcorn and peas together.
  2. Sprinkle spice blend on top and enjoy.

    100 Calorie Snack Ideas while on the DASH Diet

    Image result for almonds

    You can eat 14 raw almonds without hitting the 100-calorie mark. Plus, they’re rich in fiber and protein, which help keep hunger at bay. There is no sodium content in raw almonds.

    Cheese and Crackers

    Choosing whole-grain crackers is the key to this classic snack. The fiber will keep you feeling full between meals, and the cheese provides protein and calcium. To stay under 100 calories, cut up one slice of low-fat cheese and split it over three crackers.

    Baked Apples

    Apples are still one of the healthiest snacks around, try baked apples, they taste like dessert but provide the same vitamins and fiber, sprinkle cinnamon on top without adding calories. There is only 2 mg of sodium per apple.

    Blueberry smoothie

    Try blending 1/3 cup of nonfat yogurt with 2/3 cup of frozen blueberries and ice. Having you smoothie cold slows down the metabolism and this smoothie only has 59 mg of sodium per serving.

    Frozen Mango

    A frozen candy and get your beta carotene and fiber into your diet. ¾ cup of frozen mango has just 90 calories and has 60% of your daily allowance of vitamin C and 0 mg of sodium.

    Apple Slices with Peanut Butter

    Image result for apple slices and peanut butter
    Mixing sweet with salty is a tried and true way to satisfy the munchies. Measure 3/4 cup of apple slices and spread a thin layer of unsalted peanut butter on each slice. To stay near the 90-calorie mark, don’t use more than 2 teaspoons of peanut butter in all. Contains  only 2 mg of sodium.

    Here are 10 easy homemade low sodium snacks for you to try.