Time Restricted Eating Plan

Time Restrictive Eating Plan (TRE)

A time-restricted eating plan simply allows you to choose the foods that work best for you and eat them in any eight- or nine-hour window that you choose. This should lead to better sleep, improved digestion, it may lower your risk of cancer, improve your heart health,  help detoxify of your body and improve your brain function

Start out with 12 hours time restrictive eating plan, don’t eat anything after 7pm and start your breakfast the next day at 7 am — while keeping the times that you eat to a shorter period appears to have significant effects on hormone levels that determine your metabolism, blood sugar, and whether or not you burn fat.

Then in the  12 hours of rest this gives your body a chance to clean out and detoxify your system and then once you feel very comfortable with this the 12 hour TRE Plan the  ultimate goal is fasting for a 15- 16 hour period per day, that when you metabolism best breaks down your food and give time for your cells to restore their peak working condition.

By only eating during a shortened eight- to nine-hour window each day, your body is more likely to burn fat and keep your weight at a healthy level.

When we eat is as important as what we eat.

TRE has been done in the past by our ancestors who did not have access to a lot of food, some religions practice it as a monthly or annual ritual.

You might be able to eat whatever you want and still lose weight, simply by limiting the period of time in which you consume food. And this might even be true if you increase calories — especially calories from fat, because your body seems to burn these best during the remainder of the day, your “fasting” period.

Studies have concluded that periods of fasting for 12-16 hours a day can have effect on your body weight, lowering your risk of cancer, improved heart health, detoxification and improved brain function just to name a few of the benefits of Time Restricted Eating.

It is a combination of small changes like the Time Restrictive Eating Plan can lead to an overall improvement in your  lifestyle and health..


This is not related to The Dash Diet, but it is a diet technique that can help improve your lifestyle and overall health.

Intermittent fasting simply means fasting overnight.

Ideally you should finish dinner before 7 pm and don’t eat again until 8-9 am

Eat dinner before dark and then simply don’t eat again until the next morning (break fast).

This gives your body time to heal and repair itself and clean up the metabolic waste in your body and brain and this will stimulate weight loss.

Starting out Time Restrictive Fasting

Many people who are just starting out find it best to start intermittent fasting with a gentle approach, like the 12/12 method. And then if that works out, they can ease their way into experimenting with more aggressive methods like 16/8 or alternate-day fasting.

Benefits of Time Restrictive Eating

Research suggests this is because intermittent fasting may improve the balance of some fat-burning hormones in the body, boosting metabolism to promote weight loss.

Research has also shown that people with type 2 diabetes who practiced intermittent fasting experienced improvements in body weight, fasting glucose, and postprandial (after a meal) variability.

Intermittent fasting may lower “bad” LDL cholesterol, blood triglycerides, inflammatory markers, blood sugar, and insulin resistance — all risk factors for developing heart disease.

Possible Side Effects of Time restrictive Eating

Some possible side effects of intermittent fasting could include mood changes, feelings of extreme hunger, low energy levels and tiredness, obsessive thoughts about food, stress and tension, confusion, depression, anger, and overeating during feeding periods.

You may want to avoid intermittent fasting, or to do it only under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional if you have:

  • An eating disorder
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Medication-controlled type 2 diabetes
  • Certain mental health conditions
  • Conditions for which you take blood-thinning medications like warfarin
  • Or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have undergone a recent surgery

During Fasting Times:

When you’re in a non-eating period, you can drink water, coffee, tea, and other calorie-free beverages as these won’t interfere with your fasting.

In particular, consumption of tea may reduce body weight and fat.

Give the Time Restricted eating a go, you won’t regret it.

One thought on “Time Restricted Eating Plan

  1. I love your encouraging, science based suggestions. I feel I have learned so much in my first trip to this site. Now I am inspired to get back on track! Thank you.


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